Transforming Analog Ledgers to Tradeable Digital Assets
Founded in February 2017, Vertalo solves the most critical challenges facing the digital asset economy today.
Vertalo's team learned by doing. We couldn't find any companies to help us issue our digital asset in a compliant manner. We also noticed that no issuance platform contemplated the post-issuance data management problem. How would issuers comply with securities law after their issuance?
Our experience, gained when we issued our own SEC-compliant STO in March of 2018, drove us to focus on the long-tail management of issuer and investor data that we knew would be required. It helps that our founding team is comprised of a former CFO and Corporate Secretary, a former SEC Attorney, and a CTO who has built secure, multi-tenant big data platforms for demanding enterprise clients.
Meet the Vertalo Team
Questions about your shares? Please contact your issuer.